
Monica Lewinsky Lets Her Feelings Be Known About Trump's Impeachment Trial

Donald Trump made history when he became the first president to ever be impeached twice. His impeachment – much like his presidency – proved to be incredibly polarizing, especially as he was impeached in his final days in office for his role in the Capitol riots two weeks before President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Trump was accused of “inciting” the riots through what the article of impeachment phrased as “repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the presidential election results were fraudulent and should not be accepted”. The document also stated,

“President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government, threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of government.”

Trump must still undergo an impeachment trial, although many Republicans are trying to block it.

Trump’s detractors are just as vocal as his supporters. Activist and former White House intern Monica Lewinsky had never been Trump’s biggest supporter – in fact, she has actively used her platform to discredit and criticize him. On Twitter, Lewinsky calls herself an “anti-bullying activist,” “TED Talks giver,” and “Vanity Fair contributor,” among other things. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that she’s never been fond of the former president, as he has specifically been disliked for his bully-esque manner of speaking to others and addressing issues, via PBS. He appears to break the world down into “winners” and “losers,” with the latter being one of his most common insults for people he simply doesn’t like, according to The Atlantic.

Lewinsky has recently spoken out about Trump’s impeachment trial, which is scheduled to begin next month. She tweeted,

“My new idea: All of the senators need to take lie detector tests that they would vote the same on impeachment if it were a democrat that incited the capitol insurrection. I know[,] tricky for the psychopaths among them.”

Many people on Twitter agreed with Lewinsky’s half-true, half-cheeky Tweet suggesting the use of lie detectors. One Twitter user responded,

“Legislators should be held to the same standard as lawyers in a courtroom. If they lie, they can have their ability to serve as legislators removed.”

Lewinsky has long been critical of Trump and posted a celebratory tweet when the then-president was booted off Twitter after the riots. “#BanTrumpSaveDemocracy,” she tweeted, with many other well-known names including the hashtag in their own tweets. Indeed, she has also perfected the art of Twitter shade, which typically takes the form of simply retweeting criticism written by others.

One such retweet was a tweet by the House Judiciary Committee Democrats that reads,

“The Senate must convict Donald Trump and defend our democracy.”

…As well as a tweet from Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter, Bernice King:

“Impeachment is not ‘cancel culture’. If a President uses hateful rhetoric and perpetuates extremely harmful lies, thereby inciting violence on the nation’s Capitol, the nation must admonish, correct and prevent that behavior from happening again.”

Watch the video to see how Monica Lewinsky Lets Her Feelings Be Known About Trump’s Impeachment Trial.

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