
Trump Tapes: President demands Republican official ‘finds 11,780 votes’ to overturn election

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President Donald Trump pressured a top election official to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in the state, according to a phone call obtained by the Washington Post.

The Washington Post, which published excerpts on Sunday of the hour-long call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a fellow Republican, said Trump alternately flattered, begged and threatened Raffensperger with vague criminal consequences in an attempt to undo his loss in Georgia to Democratic President-elect Joe Biden.

The newspaper said that throughout the call Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions and told the president that he was relying on debunked conspiracy theories about what was a fair and accurate election. The audio excerpts published by the Post confirmed that.

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry,” Trump said, according to an excerpt of the recording published online by the Post. “And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you’ve recalculated.”

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Written by Steve Holland

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