
What Donald Trump's Life Is Like Since Leaving The Presidency

With lawsuits looming, debt mounting, and neighbors turning their backs on him, Donald Trump is already hitting some serious snags post-presidency. Here’s a look inside Donald Trump’s new life.

Though Trump has made history as the first president to be impeached twice, the fact that he ever managed to hold the position in the first place is unequivocally his most notable endeavor. So, what happens to that political legacy now?

Few would want to leave behind little more than a partially-built border wall, an unfettered pandemic, and a wake of lawsuits, but Trump isn’t just anyone. The former reality star appeared to cling onto the presidency until the 11th hour, peddling claims of voter fraud, falsely declaring himself the winner of the election, and arguably inciting an insurrection, which is the subject of his second impeachment trial. His efforts were to no avail, and hours after Joe Biden took his presidential oath, the new president began erasing some of Trump’s most prized policies.

According to The New York Times, Biden signed 17 executive orders aimed at, quote, “[reversing] the gravest damages” caused by Trump, effectively starting the process of eradicating his legacy.

This included rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement and remaining a part of the World Health Organization, ending the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, halting construction of the border wall, and strengthening the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Watch the video for more about What Donald Trump’s Life Is Like Since Leaving The Presidency!

#DonaldTrump #Trump #POTUS

Biden’s reversals | 0:00
Twitter ban | 1:28
Jumping ship | 2:31
Mar-a-Lago problems | 3:48
NYC hate | 4:42
Second impeachment | 5:49
Legal trouble | 7:04
Money problems | 8:20

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Written by Michael Serrano

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