
George Santos interview with OAN gets tense after question about his lies | New York Post

Serial liar George ​Santos ​got testy when an ostensibly friendly interviewer grilled the Republican Long Island congressman on his litany of ​fabrications​, asking the freshman lawmaker at one point: ​”Where do you draw the line between right and wrong?”

T​he interview on conservative One America News Network started out with Caitlin Sinclair asking Santos about how he has been treated by the media and remarking that Congress is “littered” with deceit before zeroing in on Santos’ falsehoods. ​

“Where do you draw the line between right and wrong? And as a public office holder, is there any scenario in which you feel it is okay to lie?” Sinclair ​asked the 34-year-old Santos in the interview that aired Tuesday.

“No, I don’t think lying is excusable ever, period,” ​Santos replied.

After a few minutes of back-and-forth, Sinclair told Santos, “You seem angry.” ​​


#georgesantos #caitlinsinclair #oan

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Written by Marisol Kelley

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