
Dem Sen. Kaine on Shutdown: Washington 'Looks Like a Breadline Out of the Depression'

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) accused President Donald Trump of making federal workers wait in a “breadline, like during the depression.” Kaine was referring to the line outside a Washington, D.C. restaurant that offered free meals to unpaid federal employees. Kaine said, “We should reject the president’s proposal if it’s just jammed down our throats with no chance to adjust or change it, but put it in committee where we can have a hearing about it and offer amendments to it. And we should pass the bill just opening government until February 8, to give us the opportunity to dialogue about and improve the Trump proposal. That’s what I hope we’ll do on Thursday.” He continued, “I was at the restaurant today that José Andrés has opened for federal employees. It’s a cold day in Washington, and it looks like a breadline out of the Depression. People standing out waiting in the cold to get their soup or sandwich. But we’re not in a depression. The White House says the economy is great and the stock market is great. So why are people waiting in a breadline like during the depression? It’s because of this president. We can

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